North East Hayling
Residents Association





If you have a local event you would like listed here, please contact


FACEBOOK PAGE FOR MEMBERS - We've just started a closed Facebook group for members, so if you are on Facebook, do join us. We'll be using this to help advertise our events and to signpost to our website too.

AN EVENING WITH HAYLING ISLAND COMMUNITY RESPONDERS - Saturday 25th January 7:00 pm This evening has been organised by NEHRA with the help of retired GP, Mark Glasgow and Osteopath, Paul Nelhams who is one of the First Responders. It will be a fascinating evening and attending could well change someone's life.

You will learn how to use the defibrillator located at the North Hayling Recreation Hall and a training defibrillator will be available to practise your skills. Additionally, discover how the Responders began on the Island, as they celebrate their 25th year. We've all seen the First Responders car around the area, so come along and understand what equipment it carries and how they can help us in our hour of need.

  • Meet some of our Island's First Responders.
  • Learn how to use a defibrillator.
  • Hear the history of First Responders on the Island with some personal stories.
  • Appreciate what equipment the car carries.
  • Plenty of opportunity to ask questions.
  • There will be a break in the evening when refreshments will be served.
  • Children are especially welcome and this event is open to non-members

The evening is free but there will be a collection for the First Responders at the end. Do come along to the village hall and back this event.

POP UP PUB - Friday 7th February Chase away the January Blues. Chris and the team are hosting a pub night in the village hall. Come along to enjoy a fun evening with games of pool and darts, and a drink at the bar. With a wide selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks available, this event is open to everyone, so feel free to invite friends, neighbours, and anyone who could use a night out!

ITS A MYSTERY.... - Saturday 22nd March Save the date. Details for what will be a fun evening to follow. At Hayling Recreation Hall.

BOOK SWAP IN THE HALL - Last Thursday in the month, 10:30 till 12:30 Choose a book you'd like to read or donate one you've enjoyed. A small library is available which is replenished from donations and is for community use. Children are very welcome and there is a selection of books for them too. At North Hayling Recreation Hall, for details.


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