North East Hayling
Residents Association






If you experience local flooding disruption due to heavy rain or large tides the responsible authority needs to be informed.

Please report flooding of a highway, or sea flooding of the land .


The draft Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy consultation is now closed.


We are fortunate in NE Hayling to be bordered by the sea. Over the years the association has tried to take a proactive interest in the necessary defences to benefit both the land and inter-tidal zone. In 2009 the association assisted the farm in maintaining the sea wall adjacent to the Northney Marshes permissive coastal path.

Over the years we have informed and consulted with local authorities and agencies information regarding flooding of the land by the sea and surface water and in the process recognise the government's shift of responsibility to the landowners. In 2014 we conducted a survey of the state of repair of local ditches and tidal flaps and communicated our findings to the respective land owners.

In 2018 the association created a fully detailed and funded plan for a Coastal Path along Northney Road between The Langstone Hotel and the bridge. This would have re-instated the bund wall to it's original height and avoided the frequent flooding of the road in addition to providing a footpath. Unfortunately, a Natural England behest has prevented this scheme from proceeding.

The Association continues to seek better maintenance of our surface water drainage and sea water defence infrastructure. We believe the authorities should be made aware of the true impact of flooding on our community and for that reason we conducted a survey after the flooding in April 2024.

Sea Defences archive


Channel Coastal Observatory - wave heights and periods in real time, for Hayling

Tide times for Northney


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