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North East Hayling |
For details of all planning applications go to HBC Planning and use the Advanced search tab to find applications by Ward (we are in the East Ward) and your required date range. Northney Farm, St Peters Road - Change of use from agricultural building to 1No. dwellinghouse subject to prior approval
10 Northney Road - Single storey rear and two storey side extension.
1 Northney Cottages, Northney Road - Erection of a pair of semi detached 3 bed houses with new access and parking.
Yacht Haven, Copse Lane - Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 1No. 4 bed dwelling, double garage, boat house and swimming pool, works to trees with Tree Preservation Orders - removal of 1No. Oak tree and reduction to the southern limb of 1No.Oak.
Lilac Villas, St Peters Road - Single storey side and rear extension to existing dwelling, to include a log burning flue to south/side elevation, following demolition of detached garage and lean to conservatory.
Shallows, Woodgaston Lane - Non material amendment relating to removal of the chimney, extension to the porch and alteration to the south facing gable positioning.
Glenwood House, Copse Lane - Proposed extension and alteration of existing dwelling to form 4 bed house and change of use of outbuilding to ancillary residential use. Proposed gates and wall.
Swiss Cottage, Gutner Lane - 1No. Oak (1), remove lower limb over east side and crown lift to 3.5m, ring Ivy; 1No. Oak (2), reduce lower canopy by 2.5m ....(continued).
Rhu House, Woodgaston Lane - Fell 1No. Pine, within Group G1, subject to TPO 1695.
The Curlews, 2 St Peters Avenue - Fell 3No. Pine. Subject to G1 of TPO 1513
Rhu House, Woodgaston Lane - Extension and alterations to link and annexe incorporating new dormer and enlargement of balcony area.
Northney Coastal Footpath East of Havant Road - Coastal pathway improvements along Northney Road (west of Langstone Hotel) and section of wall by tidal outlet flap.
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