North East Hayling
Residents Association







Previous Decisions:

- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013

UPDATED 14th December 2018:

For details of all planning applications go to HBC Planning and use the Advanced search tab to find applications by Ward (we are in the East Ward) and your required date range. On this site you can request alerts for an area you are particularly interested in and track applications. Or for details of current applications in our area follow the links below.

It is nearly ten years since the VDS was published. The experience of using it to review and respond to planning applications recently created a discussion as to whether the VDS fully addressed the scenarios encountered and if it is appropriate for addressing future applications. In 2017 the committee discussed and published policy clarification notes, which are consistent with the approach taken over recent years and which also consider potential future scenarios. For details of the clarification notes.

1 Myrtle Cottages, St Peters Road - Reduce top 6No.Leylandii by 1-2m, reduce south side of hedge 1-2m as needed; Reduce overall 2No. Yew by 0.6m overall to old pruning points; Reduce overall 1No. Elderberry by 1m to old pruning points; Reduce overall 1No.Field Maple by 2.5m to re shape, remove lowest large stem situated in the north west sector of outer canopy and remove 1 x smaller stem north east sector and crown lift to 2.6m; Crown lift 3No.Oaks to 2.6m, reduce by 1.5m-2.5m overall to improve shape; Reduce 1No Beech by 1.5-2.5m overall to reshape, crown lift to 2.5m; Reduce top 1No. Cedar by 1m and crown lift to 1m. Remove any dead, crossing or epicormic branches as necessary from all above trees. All within Conservation Area of St Peters.


Rear of Cranbrook Villa, Copse Lane - Erection of 2No. 3bed bungalows with associated parking and access from Copse Lane.


Langstone Quays, Northney Road - Erection of a single-storey front extension to restaurant area; reposition frontage wall; and provide front entrance to a bar area.


Northney Farm, St Peters Road - Change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (class C3) and for associated operational development subject to prior approval.


Antrims Barn, St Peters Road - Construction of detached 3 bay garage with room above.


27 Northney Road - Part single storey, part two storey side/ rear extension.


Church Farm, Church Lane - Prune back 1No. Magnolia tree by 1 metre on south facing sector. Prune back 1No. Apple tree by 1 metre to remove growth over lawn. Crown reduce in height 1No. Sycamore tree by 2 metres. Crown reduce 1No. Holly tree by 2 metres. All trees within Conservation Area St Peters.


Yacht Haven, Copse Lane - Variation of condition19 of planning permission APP/13/00317 to allow for the foul drainage provision to be approved by the LPA prior to occupation rather than prior to commencement.


Northney Marina - Single storey side extension to existing marina services building.


Northney Marina - Use of land as external events area, with associated reception lodge accommodation, for temporary 3 year period.


Deer View Lodge, Copse Lane - Prior notification for change of use from class B1(a) office use to C3 residential use subject to prior approval covering flooding, highways and transport issues and contamination.


1 Northney Cottages, Northney Road - Erection of a pair of 3bed semi-detached houses on former garden of number 1 Northney Road with new access and parking. (Resubmission of APP/17/00304).


Land at Northney Marina, Northney Road - Siting of temporary offices for a period of three years.


Wallington, St Peters Road - Application for certificate of lawfulness relating to proposed single storey rear extension.


Northney Farm, St Peters Road - Change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (class C3) and for associated operational development subject to prior approval.


Crofters, Church Lane - Construct brick and tile porch to front elevation and construct drive access pillars and wall to front of driveway.


Brenton Cottage, Woodgaston Lane - Prior notification for single storey development extending 4.8 metres beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling, incorporating an eaves height of 2.6 metres and a maximum height of 3 metres.


Fair Acre, Church Lane - Variation of condition 3 of planning permission APP/16/00993 to allow for: 1. First floor west facing bedroom window to be retained with applied obscure film and fitted with a restricted opening but allowing for emergency access (if required) 2. First floor south facing en-suite window to be retained with applied obscure film


Meadow Farm Nursery, Woodgaston Lane - Application for certificate of lawful existing use relating to use of building as a single dwellinghouse


Langness, Woodgaston Lane - Reduce 1No.south facing limb of 1No. Oak tree by 7m to suitable growth point to allow access for vehicles, subject to TPO 0567 within G39


Boat Services Building, Northney Marina - Temporary variation of condition as currently amended under APP/14/01256, valid for further 3 year period from 01/02/2018.


The Barns, Church Lane - Erection of 1.8m closed boarded fence to Southern boundary


Northney Farm Tea Room and Education Centre, St Peters Road - Single storey rear extension to Tea Rooms.


The Rotunda, Northney Marina - Prior notification for change of use from class B1(a) office use to C3 residential use subject to prior approval covering flooding, highways and transport issues and contamination.


Land adjacent to Mandai, St Peters Road - Use of land for touring caravan site and alteration of access.


Northney Coastal Footpath, East of Havant Road - Proposed improved and raised path along a section of Northney Road from the Langstone Hotel westwards approximately 215m. Ditch to be piped with new bank over topped by level path to give safe access for pedestrians with kerbed edge to the car park area and areas of fill between new embankment and existing ground level. (Resubmission of APP/16/00678.)






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