North East Hayling |
PLANNING The new Havant Borough Local Plan Consultation is now closed. The Council’s Planning Policy Committee are now looking at the responses and will be considered in the New Year. PLANNING APPLICATIONS IN OUR AREA 2022
Updated - 29th November 2022 For details of all planning applications go to HBC Planning and use the Advanced search tab to find applications by Ward (we are in the East Ward) and your required date range. On this site you can request alerts for an area you are particularly interested in and track applications. Or for details of current applications in our area follow the links below. It is nearly ten years since the VDS was published. The experience of using it to review and respond to planning applications recently created a discussion as to whether the VDS fully addressed the scenarios encountered and if it is appropriate for addressing future applications. In 2017 the committee discussed and published policy clarification notes, which are consistent with the approach taken over recent years and which also consider potential future scenarios. For details of the clarification notes. 2 Church Orchard, St Peters Road - 1No Magnolia (T1) crown reduce by 3 metres overall to leave a height of 5metres by 4 metres width. 1No Mimosa (T2) crown reduce by 3 metres overall to leave a height of 5 metres by 4 metres width. 1No Cherry (T3) fell to ground level. Trees within conservation area of St Peter's.
Teal Buildings, Northney Marina - 3No. Storage containers
Northney Marina - Single storey extension to existing Marina Services Building (Renewal of Planning Permission 18/00783).
Beechgrove, St Peters Road - Proposed garage extension.
White House, Copse Lane - Two storey side extension, minor alterations and front porch.
Spinners, St Peters Road - Single storey side extension, link to garage, driveway alterations (new access, carport and surface material). Permitted Development works also proposed include hip to gable loft extension and re-roof the existing single storey rear extension.
22 Spinnaker Grange - Single storey rear extension with solar panels
Kingfisher House, Copse Lane - Two storey front extension, front and rear Verrandahs
Sunnyfields, St Peters Road - Crown reduce 1No. Eucalyptus (T1) by 8M height and 3M spread, leaving a remaining height of 17M and a spread of 7. Crown raise 1 No. Oak (T2) to 4M; reduce crown height by 3M and spread by 2M leaving a remaining height of 10M and spread of 4M. Crown reduce 1No. Beech (T3) by 4M and Eastern spread by 2M leaving a remaining crown height of 12M and a lateral spread of 5M. Within Conservation Area of St Peters.
3 Thorney View, St Peters Road - Single storey rear extension and addition of first floor window and rooflight to front elevation.
Orchard House, Church Lane - Fell 1No Trachycarpus Palm. Tree within conservation area of St Peter's.
Copsewood House, Copse Lane - 5No. Oaks T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 - Crown reduce 2 to 3 over extended laterals (as shown on photos supplied) on west side only of the crowns, by 3m to 4m - remaining branches length 4m leaving overall tree height as existing 20m. Subject to TPO 1231 within G1.
1 Church Orchard, St Peters Road - Fell 1No. Damson Plum tree. Within conservation area of St Peters.
Rhu House, Woodgaston Lane - 1No. Monterey Pine (A on plan) crown lift from ground to 2m TPO 1695 within G1; 1No. Common Yew (B on plan) crown reduce height by 2m leaving 4.5m and sides by 0.5m leaving 3.5m TPO 1695 within G3; 1No. Pittosporum (C on plan) crown reduce, remove sucker growth to west (see photos) TPO 1695 within G3; 2No. Lombardy Poplars (D&E on plan) pollard to a height of 15m TPO 567; 3No. Oak (F,G&H on plan) crown reduce lateral branches on eastern side only by 2.5m to leave 3.5m, reduce back to suitable growth points TPO 567 within G5
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